Lunch In a Garden in Kas, Turkey

We are starting off from Tire, Turkey. If you read my previous post, you know the cruise travelers are worked up! I am hoping lunch can put some smiles back on their faces, as it affects everyone on the bus. The bus is whisper quiet as we move along the barren roads. We drive on…

Six On Saturday: Critters in the Garden

Today, for SOS I thought I’d show critters I have found over the years in gardens………..what do you think? Do you have some kind of critter in your garden? Frogs are very popular, from tiny to huge! This critter was in a garden in Charleston, SC. We found the Mad Hatter in the Atlanta Botanical…

Six on Saturday: I’m Already Ready

This week I got an exciting email…………The Atlanta Connoisseurs Garden Tour tickets would be available in April………..This very popular tour has been postponed the last two years due to Covid. Usually, there have been nine distinct gardens to meander over the two days of Mother’s Day weekend.  I can hardly wait! As I write this,…

Lens-Artists Challenge #181: Double Dipping

This week for the Lens-Artist Challenge we are double dipping! That means we are to feature and show photos from some of the other Challenges that I participate in……… I love challenges and have participated in quite a few, as my blog headings reveal under “Photo and Writing  Challenges.” But, three of my favorites, that…

Six On Saturday: A New Day and a New Temperature!

During the week, it has continued to be in the 70’s here, so I went out to explore the garden to see what it was up to! The strawberry begonia and snow drops are peeking through! I can always count on them! When I checked on the Fern Reserve in the back, there was a…

Six On Saturday: Vigeland, Oslo, Norway

Helloooooooooo 2022! I thought I would start off the New Year in the Vigeland Garden in Oslo, Norway. There will be more posts about this famous Sculpture Garden, but today I’m just getting back into the swing of things! My WordPress site has a new format (UGH) and it will take me several posts before…

Six On Saturday in the Garden: My Own!

Good Mornin SOSer’s! This morning I am on a quick walk through in my garden……..just showing what’s blooming right now! It has been hot and hotter here! First, a ground level view of the lavender………. Then drifting in the breeze surrounding the entire cottage is the fragrance of the Confederate Jasmine…….the trellis is covered in…

Six On Saturday: The Priest House

Good Mornin’ SOSer’s! This morning, I am taking you to the Priest House in West Hoathly in Sussex. It was one of the gardens open during a National Garden Scheme Weekend. West Hoathly, proper, is a village of 9 homes and a pub! The Priest House is the only one of its kind open to…

Six On Saturday In My Own Garden (Finally)

Good Mornin’ SOS’ers! I have been away on Vaca and these photos were taken right before I left! The Featured Photo is the Pink/Purple Formosa Azaleas in my Woodland Garden. I gave a them good talking to last year! They had not bloomed in ten years! So, I cut back the tree tops to let…

Six On Saturday: The Garden Gate

Good Morning SOSer’s! Today, it’s all about Garden Gates! These are photos from gardens in Atlanta, Georgia! Enjoy! I hope you have enjoyed the Garden Gates today! The instructions for SOS are easy. The photos can be flowers, vegetables, a garden design, whatever, as long as it’s garden related and posted on Saturday!  So, its…

Six On Saturday: The Montana Garden

Good Mornin’ SOSer’s! No, we are not in the state of Montana today, but we are in the Montana Garden! You will not find this garden in the Gardens to Visit On the National Garden Scheme either! That’s the book that I send for: that lists the UK gardens, the date they will be open…

Six On Saturday: Chartwell, The Winston Churchill Home

Chartwell, the home of Winston Churchill, was built as early as the 16th century when the estate was called, “Well Street.” There was a well at the north side of the house called, “Chart Well.” “Chart”is an Old English word for rough ground. Henry VIII is reputed for staying here, when he was courting Anne…

Six on Saturday: Sandhills Horticultural Gardens

Good morning SOSer’s! Today, I wanted to share a garden closer to my home, so you can smell the pine and feel the crunch beneath your feet! We are walking through the Sandhills Horticultural Gardens in Pinehurst, NC. The gardens were established in 1978 with the Ebersole Holly Garden and has expanded over the years…

Six On Saturday: Great Dixter Garden

Good Morning SOS’ers! Another Saturday and another garden in the UK! Nathanial Lloyd, made his fortune when he founded his own color printing firm in 1893. By 1909, he was so successful, that he was able to retire and devoted himself to golf and his passion for shooting….. He and his wife, Daisy, began to…

Six On Saturday: Bormes-Les-Mimosas, France

The entire city of Bormes-les-Mimosas is a city in bloom! In 2003, the city was awarded the Gold Medal by the Entente Florale…… This is the “Flowery Alliance of Europe,” an international horticultural competition that recognizes municipalities and villages for excellence in horticultural displays. Trophies are presented annually by  tourist boards and horticultural societies of…