Where Did the Year Go?

I like looking back over the year to see what all I have done and what I have accomplished. This year I did a lot! The older you get the more you want to enjoy every minute! So what did the blogs do this year?  Blogs you ask? I officially have two blogs; the one…

One Liner Wednesday: The Pooh

Today is the birthday of Alan Alexander Milne, author of Winnie-the-Pooh! One-Liner Wednesdays and Just Jot It January are brought to you by LindaGHill. Enjoy!      

Tucker is Compliant, Not a Complaint

Tucker was my husband’s seat mate on a recent flight. Tucker was very cordial, very compliant and a very happy little guy! No complaints from the other passengers either! This is my post for JustJotItJanuary! It sounded like fun and one can never have enough challenges! This is a blog challenge where we are to write/post…

Now There’s a Cornette!

I am a Registered Nurse by profession. After I graduated with a BSN from Indiana University’s, School of Nursing, the first hospital I worked at was St Vincents in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is a 1000 bed teaching hospital. There were so many good things about working at this hospital that it is ranked as the…

The Power Angels!

• (powers) (in traditional Christian angelology, the study of angels) the sixth highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy. In plain English please….you know how I hate mumbo jumbo. I was looking up the word ‘Powers’ when I came to the Hierarchy of Angels….. I guess I had forgot there even was a Hierarchy of…

The Rare White Mongrel

This extremely rare breed of white mongrel can only be seen in the early morning hours in Italian Gardens. It creeps up on the exotic plants, gets down on it’s forelegs and stares for a brief nano-second before it springs into action! It’s massive jaws tear into the wood and hastily transforms the lovely sculptured…

I Don’t Own a REAL Coat!

I don’t own a coat. I have light weight jackets. I can wear a light weight sweater underneath a jacket, if it really is cold, like 40 degrees. Yes, I live where the snow don’t blow! Maybe, it will snow once a year, chances are not. I have boots somewhere in the back of my…

The Tangible Beat of the Heart is Love!

If you lay down with me I’ll lay down with you! I love you! The tangible beat of the heart is love! This is my post for JustJotItJanuary! It sounded like fun and one can never have enough challenges! This is a blog challenge where we are to write/post something for each day in January. Today’s…

Spangly I’m Sure!

All glittery, sparkly, and gussied up! She’s ready for the next big party! What you can’t see is what she is wearing! Her dress is a hot-purple, crimson of shimmer and flash!  And her shoes? She’s borrowed them from Dorothy! This is my post for JustJotItJanuary! It sounded like fun and one can never have enough…

I Warned Ya!

The Dog Poo sign should be in every neighborhood! I always get tickled when I see warning signs, especially in gardens or yards. These signs add interest to the neighborhood and gives you an insight into the people that live there! I’m the type that would need no sign. My evil eye to ya would…

Do You Have Time For That?

I am a firm believer in this saying…….only it should read 7 Days a week…. Just sayin’ KushandWizdom! I think I am very good at time management. I know what I want to have time for; my pursuits like writing, blogging, gardening and traveling. But, I can’t do any of these things until I get…

Ladybugs in the Corner?

This is my first post with Linda at JustJotItJanuary! It sounded like fun and one can never have enough challenges! This is a blog challenge where we are to write/post something for each day in January.  Today’s prompt is spiders. I get spiders on my porch, weaving intricate webs in the fall.  But, I think…