Friday’s Foods of the World: St Ives, Cornwall

Today, we are looking for beach food! What is a better place than along the Boardwalk at St Ives! Find your place in the sun and pull up a chair! We are on Vaca! This is how you do utensils at the beach! And, this is what you drink…….mimosas……… Add, a big chunky, cheesy, cornish…

Thursday Doors: St Ives, Cornwall

I feel like going to the sea! Let’s see the Doors of St Ives, Cornwall today! The houses have a few things in common……..they are made of tabby or…….. stone and there are cobbled paths every where! But, I must share more info about this cottage……the Cornish Cottage…This is where we stayed….it is at the…

Six On Saturday: The Wee Ones and More!

Good Morning everyone! I am looking forward to the weekend and predicted warm (70’s) weather! I have been reading Elizabeth Lawrence’s book, A Southern Garden. She is so right when she says we do not have four seasons. We have all the seasons in every month. 40 degrees one morning……….70 degrees the next……….one night a…

A Photo a Week Challenge: Boats and Ships

For this week’s challenge we are to share a photo or two, or more, featuring crafts that move on the water. I have lots to share so here is my entry for this week! I’m starting off with the big boys! Then the medium sized crafts…………. Moving on to boats in St Ives, Cornwall……………….. And then…

Color Your World: And the Blues Have It!

Aquamarine, Turquoise Blue and Sky Blue! Where can one find all these colors at once? St Ives, Cornwall came to mind! Enjoy the beautiful weather, scenery and hospitality in Cornwall! Color your World  is a 4 month long daily blogging challenge event. Each day has a new color theme based on a crayon color in…

Color Your World: Seein’ Green at the Sea!

  This past summer we went to St Ives in Cornwall as part of My Garden Tour scheme. As most of you know, I am infatuated with the English Garden! Things got a little skewed in Cornwall, mostly because I could not walk up the hill daily, so there were many changes in plans, which…

Color Your World: The Pizza of Outrageous Orange

This was an outrageously orange, outrageously huge pizza with a outrageously low price at Peppers Pasta and Pizza in St Ives, Cornwall! And it was soooooooooo yummy! Pizza anyone? Color your World  is a 4 month long daily blogging challenge event. Each day has a new color theme based on a crayon color in Crayola’s…

Color Your World: Sunset Orange in Cornwall

  This is a photo from Cornwall, where I visited this summer. I have painted it in Waterlogue to give it a different look! Waterlogue is an IPhone App that changes the look of your photos! I love it! Color your World  is a 4 month long daily blogging challenge event. Each day has a…

Christmas Foods and Traditions: Stargazy Pie

I watched a good movie this week called Ladies in Lavender. The plot is so-so, and I don’t know where the lavender comes in, but my favorite actresses, Judi Dench and Maggie Smith are featured in it, so it makes my Favorites List. The movie was filmed in Cornwall and the coastal scenery is beautiful…

Thursday Doors: St Ives Again

I just love this photo: the archway, the cottage and the worn lane! This gate has a charming house design on it! Beautiful arches, gates and doors here! Doesn’t that logo on the Hain Door look like the Hanes Socks Logo? Hmmmmm…….. Doors in St Ives tended to be blue, followed by red, followed by…

Reason To Love St Ives #8: The People Are the Salt of the Earth

I can’t leave St Ives without telling you how I have enjoyed talking to all the people! I can’t remember a time when I had so many interesting conversations with others while on vacation. We talked in the restaurants, sometimes for hours, with people, who were strangers when we met, but I thought old friends…

Reason To Love St Ives #5: The Pasty

A pasty is a baked pastry, a traditional variety of which is particularly associated with Cornwall and the men who worked in the tin mines.  It is made by placing an uncooked filling, typically meat and vegetables, on one half of a flat shortcrust pastry circle, folding the pastry in half to wrap the filling in…

Reason To Love St Ives #4: The Food

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways! St Ives, the rustic, charming, seaside town has so many restaurants tucked in here and there! And to our great surprise the food is very good quality and Very, Very, Did I say Very ? Reasonably Priced! No wonder from sunup to sundown the masses…