Six On Saturday: The Priest House

Good Mornin’ SOSer’s! This morning, I am taking you to the Priest House in West Hoathly in Sussex. It was one of the gardens open during a National Garden Scheme Weekend. West Hoathly, proper, is a village of 9 homes and a pub! The Priest House is the only one of its kind open to…

Six On Saturday: The Montana Garden

Good Mornin’ SOSer’s! No, we are not in the state of Montana today, but we are in the Montana Garden! You will not find this garden in the Gardens to Visit On the National Garden Scheme either! That’s the book that I send for: that lists the UK gardens, the date they will be open…

Six On Saturday: Chartwell, The Winston Churchill Home

Chartwell, the home of Winston Churchill, was built as early as the 16th century when the estate was called, “Well Street.” There was a well at the north side of the house called, “Chart Well.” “Chart”is an Old English word for rough ground. Henry VIII is reputed for staying here, when he was courting Anne…

Friday’s Foods of the World: St Ives, Cornwall

Today, we are looking for beach food! What is a better place than along the Boardwalk at St Ives! Find your place in the sun and pull up a chair! We are on Vaca! This is how you do utensils at the beach! And, this is what you drink…….mimosas……… Add, a big chunky, cheesy, cornish…

Thursday Doors: St Ives, Cornwall

I feel like going to the sea! Let’s see the Doors of St Ives, Cornwall today! The houses have a few things in common……..they are made of tabby or…….. stone and there are cobbled paths every where! But, I must share more info about this cottage……the Cornish Cottage…This is where we stayed….it is at the…

Six On Saturday: Great Dixter Garden

Good Morning SOS’ers! Another Saturday and another garden in the UK! Nathanial Lloyd, made his fortune when he founded his own color printing firm in 1893. By 1909, he was so successful, that he was able to retire and devoted himself to golf and his passion for shooting….. He and his wife, Daisy, began to…

Friday’s Foods of the World: The Ash House, Yeovil, UK

Getting from Point A to Point B is more fun if you have shorter driving times and lots of smaller a’s, b’s and c’s along the route. It also helps us to take more breaks when we are driving a different traffic pattern than we are used to ( driving on the left instead of…

Thursday Doors: Stourhead

For Today’s Doorscursion I am taking you to Stourhead!  Now a National Trust property, this 600 acre property is located at the source of the  River Stour in the southwest of the English county of Wiltshire and extends into Somerset. Here we are at the gatekeep……..quite impressive don’t you think? Going on in we find…

Challenge Your Camera: Close-Up

Today, for Dr B’s, Challenge Your Camera, we are to do close ups…..     The only close ups I do is of flowers…….any lower to the ground, I would not be able to get back up! Ha Ha! For the last 8 years or so, I have only taken photos  with my IPhone.  After looking…

Jo’s Monday Walk: Backtrackin’

This is a story of how one thing leads to another………….Today, for Jo’s Walk I am taking you to the village of Kinlet (population roughly 650) in the UK. Why here you ask? I have traced my ManyGreatsGrandmother, Elizabeth Corbin and the Roger Mortimer family (also my relation) back to this village and I wanted…

Six On Saturday: The Secret Gardens of St Ives

Today, we are visiting some gardens that I came upon by chance when visiting St Ives! It was a Secret Garden Tour, so wasn’t I the lucky one! Many of the gardens were behind garden doors like this! Wouldn’t you want to know what was behind that door? This photo was taken from inside the…

Six On Saturday: There’s More to West Hoathly

Good morning SOS’ers! Today, my Featured Photo is a manor house, again in West Hoathly…….the garden was in the back so let’s walk there! Here, is the little garden cottage………..just perfect! I decided the gardener here had a favorite color scheme for this garden, lilac and pink! I like props in the garden…….they can be…

Jo’s Monday Walk: Smallhythe Place

This week for Jo’s Monday Walk we are visiting Smallhythe Place near Tenterden, Kent. Smallhythe Place, the home of Ellen Terry, is located on a rural road. Coming from a narrow, graveled, country lane from the Bullein Barn B&B, Smallhythe Place was at the end of it. Everyday we were amazed at all the cars…

Six On Saturday: West Hoathly, UK

Today SOS’ers, we are exploring together, another garden that was on our NGS trail! We are driving down this little back road to West Hoathly. The house was another one, that to most American’s is the perfect cottage in the perfect setting. And, it was BIG! Just about always in the NGS Garden there is…

Jo’s Monday Walk: Southampton, UK

We made our way to Southampton, UK to take our first cruise ever…… Since we had arrived a day early, I had made a list of the things we wanted to see. The SeaCity Museum was our first stop and the threat of rain and the grey skies added to my apprehension about going to…