FOTD: Grape Hyacinth

Grape Hyacinth or muscari is a mid-spring, blooming, perennial bulb in the lily family, native to southeastern Europe. Muscari comes from the Greek word for musk, referring to the scent. The common name comes from the resemblance of the clusters of small, bell-shaped, cobalt blue flowers to upside down clusters of grapes. I have these…

Tuesday Tidbit: Just Sayin’

I think all travelers have this right now!   PS I am away on travels this week (YEAH) so this post has been pre-scheduled. I will not be able to read or comment on your thoughts for a few days, but I will get to them when I get back! Cady

Hoppy Easter!

This little fella has been busy eating my garden! And coloring the eggs! Hoppy Easter!

Tuesday Tidbit: Can You Tell Me What This Is?

Today, for the Tuesday Tidbit I am showing my biggest pet peeve  in the little town where I live! What do you think this is? Here is a better detailed view, because I KNOW you want to see this! Let me know what you think! Cady

My Spring Garden: A Look Back

Come in come in…….don’t worry about all the mess on the kitchen table, I’ll just move it over. Now…..what would you like to drink this morning? I have every flavor of coffee imaginable; Donut Shop, French Roast, Carmel Pie?  I’m reading the labels from the coffees……..Mocha Java, New Orleans Blend. Oh, here’s a good one!…

Thursday Doors: In My Hometown

Today, for the Doorscursion I thought I would show my little hometown, now, that it is Spring!  Lot’s of daffodils at the Withers Green Cottage! It was home to Professor Frank Ernest Callum by the mid 1920’s, but built by the Withers family…. This is the Icicle Cottage……..It is one of the best preserved and…

Weekly Smiles: It’s Like Valentines’s Day Here!

I’ve been decorating for Valentine’s Day! Foo-fooing my home for the holidays always puts a smile on my face………….I like to add something here, a little something there, and voila it’s a holiday! This is the little kitchen cupboard…… See anything different about it since Christmas? Yes, I’ve added a nest and put little pie…

Six On Saturday: The Wee Ones and More!

Good Morning everyone! I am looking forward to the weekend and predicted warm (70’s) weather! I have been reading Elizabeth Lawrence’s book, A Southern Garden. She is so right when she says we do not have four seasons. We have all the seasons in every month. 40 degrees one morning……….70 degrees the next……….one night a…

Where Did the Year Go?

I like looking back over the year to see what all I have done and what I have accomplished. This year I did a lot! The older you get the more you want to enjoy every minute! So what did the blogs do this year?  Blogs you ask? I officially have two blogs; the one…

T’was the Day Before Christmas and All Thru the House………….

Everyone is too busy to stir……………..but we are all decorated and ready for Santa! With a view from this way ………. and that………….. The animals talk at Christmas you know………. And the table is almost set…………we just have to add two more place settings! This year, it is Santa and two reindeer on display……… And…

WeekendCaféShare: The Halloween Edition

Hellooooo everybody! Happy Halloween! It seems like weeks since I have seen you for our weekend coffee! It has been a few weeks……….  I am three weeks post-op from my lower spine surgery and wowza I can finally sit comfortably in a chair……….but I am restricted another 5 weeks from riding in a car or…

WeekendCaféShare: We Interrupt This Program……..

I am interrupting this program with an important message. Do not come over for our morning coffee share, because we are hunkered down for Hurricane Florence. We have been hunkered down for days now, waiting for the wind and the rain. As of this morning this is the wind damage. My contribution to preparing for…

WeekendCaféShare: Is It Fall Yet?

If we were having coffee I would tell you I am sooooooo ready for Fall. Does my featured photo look like Fall to you? No! It is stilllllll hot and humid and sticky here! The summer plants are still blooming and looking quite splendid everywhere, except in my garden. I have been hot, hot, hot…

WeekendCaféShare: Will It Ever Stop Raining?

Good Morning! Let’s have coffee on the porch this morning, since it is bright and sunny! At least for awhile! It has rained and rained and rained everyday! My flowers look fabulous in spots and are drowning in other spots, but that is nature…………. I’m playing with my favorite Apps this morning so spare me…