One Word Photo Challenge: Glue

Oh my, what do we have here? Broken Waterford Crystal that’s what! As I was dusting one day I happened to look in my china cupboard and thought, “these crystal coffee goblets don’t look right!” They were broken at the base and their tops were leaning ever so gently to the side and up against…

One Word Photo Challenge: Giraffe

How about these little guys! Here are giraffe facts!  Giraffes are native to Africa. They feed on seeds, fruits and a wide variety of vegetation, however their favorite food is the acacia, a tree with dangerous thorns which they have adapted to eating with their copious amounts of thick saliva.  The spots on the bodies…

One Word Photo Challenge: Friends

I thought I would show a few friends while we are still visiting Mainz, Germany! Some friends prefer a spot near the tables……….. Some friends meet up in the Marketplatz………. Some friends give it a rest…….. Some friends bike there………… Some friends don’t want to talk to each other or look at each other either…………….