Where’s My Backpack: Travel Theme, Branches

This year the trees look so colorful to me and I like the contrast with their dark black branches! I didn’t have to go far for these pictures either, they were taken in my backyard! And here is the same photo painted in the Waterlogue App…….. And the yellow-leaved branches really are show offs too……….

Travel Theme: Tidy

Look at all the tidiness in Istanbul, Turkey! You can’t get much tidier than this! Clean and Tidy go together! Isn’t that the saying? Yes, it is clean and tidy in Istanbul! The buildings are spotless! And so are the Gardens! I hope you have enjoyed my photos of TIDY! This is a part of…

Travel Theme: Abroad

Abroad starts here for me! First you read about the places you would like to see! This is a part of the Where’s My BackPack’s Travel Theme challenge. To participate just click Here!

Travel Theme: Seeds

Today’s Travel Theme for Where’s My Backpack is SEEDS! How about a trip to Renfros Farm Supply in Matthews, SC, to get our seeds? This is the real deal farm supply store that has everything! Including Seeds! And more seeds………… And everything else for the garden to grow! You need to advertise that you sell seeds,…

Travel Theme: Precious

Today’s theme for Where’s My Backpack’s Travel Challenge is Precious. As you get older you cling to the things that are important and let the things that are not, go. Material things get less and less important! Family, friends, pets and just enjoying life is right up there on the Richter Scale! Enjoy my post…

Where’s My Backpack: Grassy

Talk about a throw back, let’s say Tuesday, since it’s Tuesday! SB has a new toy. It converts slides into digital photos. So he has been going through his slides from the 70’s! OMG! He bought the Wolverine F2D Mighty, Film to Digital Converter, from Amazon. Perhaps you have old films or slides and would…

Travel Theme: Grow

  Today’s Travel Theme is Grow……. You need the right stuff to grow! Lots of water is needed and the right space to grow in………. You need hoses and watering cans and sometimes a screening or two……….. Sometimes you need a very big pot! And sometimes you need a greenhouse……….. Sometimes you just want the…

Travel Theme: Over

Today’s Travel Theme is Over and I found three Over pictures from the trip to Harrogate, UK. Well the sign looks like it is over the awning at the angle the photo was taken! And the Featured Foto shows the spoon is over the honey mustard pot! Yum! Enjoy today’s Travel Theme: Over! This is…

Travel Theme: Woman

    When I was thinking about the Travel Theme assignment I thought I didn’t have that many photos of women!   But, when I got to looking I had lots! All were taken as I was trying to take a photo of something else, as I don’t like to ask people for their photo!…

Travel Theme: Paths

Here are a few of my favorite paths on this very cold, gloomy, morning in the South! What happened to our beautiful Warm Winter weather? So here are a few paths I’d rather be on this morning! Just looking at the garden round-about would make me smile! It changes a ho-hum small space into a delightful…