Six On Saturday: My Garden Porch and a Few Good Reads

Sometimes it’s just nice to sit in my indoor garden porch and watch the world go by……..surrounded by all things gardening………..

My Cottage Porch

Then cozy up with a good gardening book or magazine………like Cottage Living (I have every issue from the first)

My Cottage Porch

Or read a book or two………notice my sprout page markers?

The Sprout Bookmarks

My favorite garden author (this year) is Beverley Nichols, who wrote more than sixty books and  plays, but is remembered for his books on gardening……..    Down the Garden Path, was his first gardening book written in 1932,  my favorite, favorite……… The First Trilogy was about his thatched cottage and gardens named Allways. His later trilogy, about Merry Hall,  featured his Georgian manor and garden, where he lived from 1946-1956.  He was a real trial and error gardener, learning by every mistake in the book and I loved his neighbors and friends, who sound just like some of my friends and neighbors…….

Down the Garden Path by Beverley Nichols

One of my favorite gardens of all time was at Virginia Woof’s, Monks House. And this book is also one of my best reads that I always go back to for inspiration…….

Virginia Woolf’s Garden

and the gardening year would not be complete without reading Country Gardens Magazine. I read every page more than once and check out every advertisement…………..

Country Garden Magazine

So, what have you been up to in your garden this week? I can’t wait to see your SOS …………Check out what others are doing and add your own Six On Saturday, hosted by the Propagator!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. I’ve been weeding and mulching in anticipation of the arrival of some hot weather.


  2. Oh, Judy it has been sooooooo hot and humid here! However, that is our summers! We could use a good rain! All we have been getting lately is a light sprinkle for about 10 minutes and then back to the heat and humidity! I sit on the porch and look at all the books and magazines and see what I can do next in my garden! I’ve been waiting for 4 weeks for field stone from Tennessee to be delivered for the making of a stacked stone wall around my Fern Reserve…….doesn’t that sound fancy, Ha Ha! So far three ferns in it………I’m waiting for Fall to plant any more and for the wall to be completed………….


  3. Love the book recommendations! They obviously have more than just garden tips — beautiful illustrations and photos, too?


    1. Oh yes, I couldn’t stand a book with no photos or drawings……I guess I am a visual person………..In the Virginia Woolf book, Caroline Zoob, the author, who lived at the cottage and maintained the gardens for a number of years, also did embroidery work of all of the gardens and featured them in the book too!!!! Loved it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ali says:

    I’ve never heard of Beverley Nichols, but he sounds like my kind of Gardener! I love Catherine Zoob’s book, with the stitched maps! In fact we might be going to Virginia Woolf’s garden tomorrow. Lovely six, thank you.


    1. Oh you will have a great day! Have you been there before? Have you been to her sisters, Charleston Farmhouse, near Lewes?


  5. How lovely to sit there and look through all of those gardening books. 🙂


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