Just One Person From Around the World: Oslo, Norway

Welcome to Just One Person From Around the World!

I have stopped watching the news….I have dropped all social media, except for my blog, which I try to keep to positive vibes…. there are a lot of folks in the world, who are everyday folks, just trying to provide food and shelter and love……….they are trying to make a living…….keep their kids educated and basically just take care of their families, without an agenda.  Me too. I think there is more of us…. Just trying to live our lives….. So, I would like to take the time to focus on one person a week to bring us together, to celebrate ordinary folks.

Feel free to join Just One Person From Around the World  by creating your own post and then share your link in the comments. I hope this will bring us all together and reveal how connected we are…………even though we are each in our own little world!

Today we are in Oslo, Norway!

The bright orange-red hat caught my attention first. Then the shoes………and then I was scurrying to try to get in front of this person to get a better photo………but it was not to be…….

I was drawn to the snappy colors from head to toe! (this is a happy person), and then the steady gate and confidence.  I pictured an academic of some sort…….notebook and tablet in hand, coming from the university, stopping for coffee on the way home…. or maybe a fashion designer! What do you think? This person definitely put a smile on my face!

The Person in Oslo, Norway
Just One Person

I am enjoying pouring over my photos to find us everyday folks! Won’t you join in? To see how all this started look at Just One Person From Around the World!

Here are the Contributors from last week! If I missed anyone, please let me know! These were awesome and you won’t want to miss a one! The stories along with the photos are priceless!

Toortsie is taking us to South Africa………...ToortieSays 

Sandy from Myanmar today……………. Sandy’sChronicles

Dr B is experiencing RAGE today……… BuddaWalksIntoaWine Bar

Geri is taking us to Paris………Geriatrixfotogallerie

Meet the elephants from Margaret…..FromPyreneestoPennines  

Sue is taking us today to Romania………WordsVisual

Aletta shows us how to have some fun in NewZealand……….NowAtHome

IJK shows us a photo we can all relate to!…………BlackBody

Sarah is giving us a reality check today!………TravelWithMe

and from lolawi  SomethingBeautiful

Two Sisters from Tasmania shared this……….Two SistersandTwoPointsofView

Xingfumama shares about Mr Kithusi……..SomewhereInAfrica

What is this man thinking? ………..Philosophy Through Photography


51 Comments Add yours

  1. Very relaxed street scene. Late spring? Summer?

    My entry for the week: https://blackbodyblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/27/the-frame-maker/

    Liked by 2 people

    1. IJK, are you saying that cameras have preset filters in them to make skin colors lighter automatically because they think most people that buy them are lighter skinned and it is one less adjustment to make? Who would have thought? So do you correct the skin color on all your photos? Is this done on cell phones as well? I have never noticed the difference………Cady
      PS this photo from Oslo was taken in August, 2019…..


      1. Its worse than that. If you photograph dark skinned people, the details are smudgy. More so with a smart phone. I do have to try to correct the photo each and every time.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Wow! I never would have thought this!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Artificial intelligence = creator’s bias, unfortunately


      2. I remembered that I had written about this in more detail once. Here is the link, in case you are interested: https://anotherglobaleater.wordpress.com/tag/smart-phone/


  2. I felt this person is a confident and colourful.
    From the appearance ( back side view),I felt the person is trim and never misses the gym schedule.
    Back view clicks sometimes confuse me whether the person is a boy or girl.

    Lovely street photography my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah Ha! You were the first to say anything! My husband and I had a disagreement about this photo as well! I said it was a photo of a man and he said it was a woman….. I said it couldn’t be a woman, where was her purse? A woman most ALWAYS carries a purse of some kind……This person had a cell phone and a computer and notebook tucked under one arm……a man! Who knows!


  3. margaret21 says:

    So even elderly ladies are phone-addicted in the street! I haven’t got there -yet. Looking forward to settling down to read all the other entries later.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep, it seems so!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sue says:

    Oh, what a shame you couldn’t get in front! But great image…. Here’s my portrait for today: https://suejudd.com/2021/03/03/just-one-person-from-around-the-world-turkey-2/


    1. She has calm written all over her face doesn’t she? I didn’t know what “catchlights in her eyes” were until I looked at the second photo…..very interesting Sue! I am glad you offered us both photos because they show us two different types of photos! Well done! Cady
      PS I thought it would have ruined the scene for the photo if I had taken it from the front! They would have been so startled and probably mad as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue says:

        Pleased you like my images, Cady, and thanks for your explanation of your image creation!


  5. restlessjo says:

    I wouldn’t have taken a photo from in front. I like the matching gentleman to her right 🙂 🙂 Lots of shares here! I’ll have to come back later.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I picked up on the color combo too! What are you up to today? Cady


      1. restlessjo says:

        Washing, t’ai chi, lunch and just come back from a walk round the salt marshes. Time for a cuppa 🤗💕


      2. Good for you! T’ai chi, very good……I need a walk around the salt marshes or anything today!


    1. Strong looking Warrior Jeri! I always notice folks with perfect looking teeth! I wonder if it has something to do with his diet? Cady

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, this looks like so much fun! This is another sport my husband would do, while I sat on the boat, or even better on the shore! Cady


      1. I loved it Cady! It was amazing to see the land from up there

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t pass flower stalls by anywhere, can you? It’s kinda my idea of the perfect job. That and working in a coffee shop or bookshop……or maybe a combo; coffee, flower, bookshop! Perfect!
      Thanks for joining us again today! Cady


  6. Toortsie says:

    Hello I agree. that person with the colourful clothing is a happy one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. maristravels says:

    Also a brave one. Anyone who can sport a red hat like that and red trousers has got to be full of confidence and spirit. She’d get my vote any day.


    1. My thoughts exactly!


  8. Very snazzy! And lots of other reds (bag behind her, shirt in front of her, vehicles, etc) framing her.


  9. Toonsarah says:

    That’s quite a hat, no wonder you followed it! Here’s my contribution for this week: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/an-encounter-in-zurich-a-person-with-a-passion/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Passing crossroads with a person like this is meant to be! How very interesting and exuberant Alex Hansen must have been! Aren’t these frescoes beautiful! I would now like to know more about Paul Bodmer! I would have stayed all day and Alex would have been tired of me! Cady

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for the womderful posts to your challenge. It is like traveling without leaving home, but getting to see the beauty of humanity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, all the stories and folks have made quite the impact……It’s good to know how alike we all are! I hope you will join us!I know you have some kind folks to share! Cady


  11. Love that hat. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Ju-Lyn says:

    This is such a wonderful idea to connect us in a positive and very real way all around the world.

    Reminds me of another jaunty individual I spied on the bus this morning – what initially caught my eye was her glitter-studded mask; followed by her bowler hat (very unusual to see anyone wearing a hat in Singapore), and then her glitzy hi-cut shoes. She, too, made me smile.


  13. margaret21 says:

    Between us we seem to get around the globe: I’m still in India, with a builder this time: https://margaret21.com/2021/03/04/builders-at-work/


    1. Is all that grassy stuff (the grey-brown color to the right) a wall? Are they replacing that with brick? Has Pondicherry retained their French quarter do you think? Thank you for adding this to the challenge this week. I feel like I travel around the world every week now!, don’t you? Cady


    1. He just wants to be at the beach! Great focus there! Thanks for joining us this week! Cady


  14. wanderlustig says:

    This is my entry:

    Thank you for this really interesting challenge and have a very nice weekend


    1. Thank you Inga! I was wondering what your name was! Cady

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