Six On Saturday: The Garden Is Lookin’ Good!

It’s been like winter here the last few days! Rain and temps in the low sixties………that is winter for us. Kinda topsy turvy, that’s why I did my feature photo this week in the Tiny Planet App on my IPhone. And then my leaves on the Agapanthus looked good so I Waterlogued them, another App. It’s summer and I’m playing…………….

The Agapanthus Leaves in Waterlogue App

Here are the Spiderwort in my Cottage Garden. They never fail me, they just get bigger and bigger. I cut my shrub roses way, way, way back in the winter and now you can hardly see them behind the spiderwort. They better get crackin’.

The Cottage Garden, June 2019

The dwarf shrub roses in the front garden are looking good too.

The Cottage Garden, June 2019

Everything is growing with all the rain we’ve had. The lamb’s ears are whoppers!

The Cottage Garden, June 2019

This was one of the 15 alliums I planted along the fence line last Fall. Only three survived the landscapers and the new fence. I really like them and will plant more this fall! I think I want the really, really giant ones, are they Christophii? These were called Bubble Blend and were different colors and sizes mixed together. Since only three survived I don’t know what the others looked like.

The Cottage Garden, June 2019

These are “Pardon My Pink” bee balm. This is a new variety and good for humid weather. I love bee balm and wanted to try something new so I have two new  ones in the flower garden right now. When the other variety blooms, I’ll show it as well.

The Cottage Garden, June 2019

Well, that is it for this week, short and sweet. I am getting ready to travel again and trying to get all my gardens posted before I leave.  Look for the posts of the “Connoisseurs Gardens” in Atlanta, Georgia. Eight fantastic, fantastic, fantastic gardens. There are so many photos I want to show, so they will be bigger posts! See you in the garden!

Won’t you join us with your SOS?

The instructions for SOS are easy. The photos can be flowers, vegetables, a garden design, whatever, as long as it’s garden related and posted on Saturday!  So, it’s six photos. Of Gardens. On Saturday. Easy Peasy. To see all the SOS’s look at  SIX ON SATURDAY, hosted by the Propagator, to check out all of them each Saturday! See you next week in another spot!

13 Comments Add yours

  1. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Alliums are very good value. I have the Drumstick Alliums, but none as exotic as yours. Travelling again? Lucky you! I’m intrigued by your main photo. Is it some camera trickery or a real thing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jane, I could have an allium forest! I don’t think mine are very exotic, but at least I still have three. It will be interesting to see if the others come back, but I’m still planting MORE in the Fall! Now in the traveling sector……..we have our adventures planned years in advance (and paid for), that way we are sure to still be alive to enjoy them!!!! We ain’t dying because we’ve paid for them……Ha Ha! For years and I mean years we have debated going to Australia and New Zealand. I hate flying and it is sooooooo far for us. But, I think I have hubby convinced that if we take the 141 day cruise from Barcelona to Singapore, which gets to Australia and New Zealand, this would be the way to go. We leave in July for a month in the Baltics. I hope the weather gets warmer there as we live where it is hot and hotter and that is the weather I most enjoy.
      Now about the Apps…….they are on my IPhone, that is also how we take all our photos now, we are just too lazy (and Old) to carry cameras and all the equipment like we used to. Anyway, in the apps you just look in your photos and pick one and decide what you want it to do. In Tiny Planet they can spin, get big, make the edges wind up whatever……it does whatever you select….. Automatically. Same way for Waterlogue……just pick a photo and then select a color combination and whalla……. done. Then you can save that photo plus the original in your photos. I love those Apps and have several different ones on my phone.


  2. fredgardener says:

    What a pretty pink bee balm ! And yes your allium looks like christophii I grow. Mine were higher than today. The flowers rose to my chest a few years ago. Now they are climbing up to my belt.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am also a fan of that bee balm and your spiderwort are very architectural!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One Man And His Garden Trowel says:

    I’ve never had any luck growing bee balm. Pity as it looks lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey, I will check out the Ap you mention… looks fun and a great inspiration for painting. I have plant envy with the “Pardon My Pink” bee balm. What an unusual flower!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. March Picker says:

    Things are looking lovely there, Cady.


  7. Your front entry and porch looks so inviting and welcoming, Cady. That’s an unusual (to me) allium, almost spider like. I have two old plants of the round purple balls that reappeared this spring, but my old spiderwort seems to be shrinking. It, like your, is in a fence line rose bed. Maybe more plant food such as Rose & Flower systemic? Roses and lavender are spectacular now after earlier fertilizing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My spiderwort slim down, if we get a lot of rain over a long period, like we have had this year. But, after a few weeks they come back good as ever!


  8. Such lovely photos! The bee balm and alliums are new to me. Out with the books for me to see if they will grow here!


  9. Heyjude says:

    I bought a red bee balm last year but it didn’t come back this spring 😦
    Spiderwort is a new one on me. We probably call it something else! Enjoy your travels!


  10. cavershamjj says:

    Most alliums are not reliable returners, best to treat as annuals and replace every year. I’ve been caught out before by hoping that they will come back and then had very few to show for it. They do seed about but they take years to flower from seed.


  11. The golden foliage of the Spiderwort (Tradescantia here) really lights the border up. I’ve not tried growing it -yet! The front of your home looks soinviting


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